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[ Board of Directors]

Our Board of Directors represent the interests of the Ward Lumber Worker Cooperative and are responsible for the supervision of Ward Lumber Company’s operations. They are elected by the Member Owners for three-year terms during our annual all member meeting. Ward Lumber’s board of directors is currently made up of 7 members.

Below you’ll find a short bio that focuses on why each Board Member wanted to serve on the board and what being a member of a worker-owned cooperative means to them. Our directors all put in the extra time and effort to make sure that our company has the endurance to last another 130 years.

Kevin Kennedy
Kevin Kennedy

Kevin has been with Ward Lumber for over 26 years. He started at the counter, managed the counter, and now keeps our computers humming as IT manager. Kevin’s current winter sport of choice is snowshoeing - which has led him to do a few winter 46ers. A pretty impressive feat during our unpredictable winters but he loves being outdoors.

Kevin was a bit hesitant at first about the employee cooperative. Back when it was a new idea and just forming, he didn’t think it was something he’d necessarily join. However, the more he learned about it and saw the cooperative develop he saw the cooperative as a very viable way to continue the business and thought it was important to contribute to that.

Eventually as the cooperative formed it became clear that it was going to be a big part of the future of Ward Lumber. That’s why Kevin ran for the board, he wanted to help Ward Lumber find where it is going. He’s got a lot of varied history with the company and where it’s been so it made sense to him to bring that perspective to the board. That is also why Kevin accepted the role of Treasurer - to be in direct support of the companies’ financial health.


Scott Christian
Scott Christian
Vice President & Treasurer

Scott has been with Ward Lumber for 10 years this March of 2023. Scott’s a very busy man in the communities of Willsboro & Westport. Currently he’s a Willsboro Town Councilman as of 2022 after stepping back from his post as the Essex County Fair President – a position he held for six years. Scott has been a director of the Essex County Fair Board since 1993 and has held multiple positions on the board during that time. He also presided as President of the New York State Association of Agricultural Fairs (NYSAAF) in 2016. He still helps with managing the scholarship fund for NYSAAF – one of the many ways he’s an established pillar of the community. In addition to all that he owns a farm which includes 6 draft horses that he brings to events (including the Fair of course) for wagon pulls - one of his favorites

Scott is very passionate about getting everyone involved in the ownership process. It’s part of why he joined the steering committee that developed the Ward Lumber Worker Cooperative. He wanted all employees to have the same job and financial security as well as opportunity to join. As well as create a Cooperative that is inviting and attainable for all employees.

Scott prides himself on being someone who will speak up for others. Not everyone with an opinion is ready to join a board or speak up publicly but Scott is ready to hear what other employee owners have to say and speak up for opinions and perspectives as a board member. Scott shared that he feels accomplished if he can share on behalf of those who are co-owners with him. Overall, his experience in the co-op has been positive and he’s proud that we’ve been able to take control of our company and our future. He continues to support that future as the Vice-President of the Board.


Jennifer Whitney
Jennifer Whitney

Jen has been with Ward Lumber for just over two and a half years. As a Human Resources professional, she brought her attention to safety and skills in employee relations to Ward Lumber. Jen spends lots of family time with her daughter and extended family. In the summer she finds herself at Fish Creek, helping her brother with running the families’ country store. Her newest hobbies are motorcycle riding, hunting, and pistol shooting at the Chesterfield Fish & Game Club. If she finds any time this summer - she might try to squeeze in finally getting a motorcycle license!

Setting up the Ward Lumber Workers Cooperative had been in the works for a few years when Jen joined Ward Lumber - but she joined right when membership sign ups were poised to start. Jen was the first person to sign the membership paperwork, as she was involved in the reach out to potential members and the keeping of records. Having grown up working at the family business she immediately saw the value of being an owner and jumped right in.

Jen decided to run for the board because she saw it as her time to step up. Now that she’s been with Ward Lumber for long enough to have reached a level of comfort in her position, relationships with the staff as HR, and community with her co-workers Jen felt it was the perfect time to run. She’s glad for the perspective from board members who have been with Ward Lumber for longer than her but is excited to bring the perspective of a more recent hire to the board and represent that point of view. She brings her attention to detail and organization to the role as Board Secretary.


Debby Straight
Debby Straight
Member Director

Debby has been with Ward Lumber for over 41 years and is an institution in her own right. During that time she has been involved in nearly any innovation that was needed to help the company grow. She built the modern accounting architecture for the company from the ground up. Sid and Janet Ward saw Debby’s strengths, her analytical mind, and asked her to set up Ward Lumber’s first computer system in 1987. She set up the first SKUs, product Departments, and other structures that we still use today. While the technology and programs we use have changed the groundwork Debby laid is still there. And those are just a few of the ways that Debby has been integral to the success of Ward Lumber.

Debby has always been proud to be part of the company and is now even more proud to be an owner. She once told Jay Ward he’d given her the unique opportunity to own a company without owning any of the debt. That being said Debby always felt like she owned the company, she always felt that responsibility, but now is actually a part of it in that way.

Debby has a depth of knowledge that she brings to the Board in regards to the financial health of the company. The board is in charge of larger fiscal decisions and having Debby provide perspective and guidance as a board member is just another way she continues to support Ward Lumber.

Tim Clark
Tim Clark
Member Director

Tim has been with Ward Lumber for a bit over 4 years. He’s an avid outdoorsman. Some of his skill set he learned from his parents and grandfather but it’s a passion he’s expanded on in recent years. He’s been growing his hunting skills and trying to camp as much as possible.

For Tim, being a member owner is important for creating longevity for our workforce. Job security is so important in an ever-changing world but by having a say in the company’s direction as a member owner Tim feels he’s able to help Ward Lumber maintain its friendly community focused atmosphere. He really appreciates how it allows for more employee buy-in; literally.

Tim ran for the Board to have a say in the direction of the company and to stand as a voice for worker owners. He brings his experience and history as a member of the Upper Jay Fire Department Board. He’s also currently the President of the Mount Fay Fish and Game Club. Tim has that parliamentarian knowledge of the rules that helps to keep everything moving and orderly. He served as the 2nd Board President for a year before stepping back to spend more time with his growing family, but remains committed to serving on our board.

Alex Pond
Alex Pond
Member Director

Alex has been with Ward Lumber for 8 years and is headed towards 9. He’s an avid bowler and a musical enthusiast. Besides enjoying live concerts, he also plays and writes music for both the guitar and piano. He has also acquired a violin, accordion, and trumpet with plans to play them all. When he’s not working, playing music, or spending time with his friends and family you might find him sneaking in a few hours of video games to relax with.  

Becoming an Employee Owner was an opportunity that sounded great so joining seemed like a no-brainer. Starting from the bottom of the company then learning and growing as he moved up Alex has soaked up what makes Ward Lumber tick like a sponge and is proud to be an Owner.

That investment is originally why Alex ran for the board. He didn’t plan on running when he first joined the co-op but he likes the company and wants to be a part of the future, making sure it sticks around. Folks joked with him that he’d be a “lifer” when he started but he’s thinking that might actually be. He started at Wards through a summer work program and now is on the board of directors. As the Chairperson of the Membership Engagement Committee Alex is committed to bringing new employees into the Cooperative and strengthening Ward Lumber in the process.

Corey Fleury
Corey Fleury
Member Director

Corey is a family man to his core. Spending a lot of time ferrying kids around, attending sports, and generally being a great dad & husband. If he gets a few minutes to himself in the warmer months he loves to be in his garden. Corey’s wife & in-laws are Canadian, making for a great excuse to pop over the border and even hang out in Montreal whenever they’re able to.

 Corey joined Ward Lumber in July of 2020. He’s been in the industry for most of his life but has always been working for someone else and not working on a business that he had personal investment in. Being a worker-owner has changed that and made for a personal investment in the success of Ward Lumber. He sees the value in that and how it can improve the lives of all Ward Lumber’s workers. 

Running for the board was the natural next step for Corey. As he said, “If I'm going to be invested, I’d like to be involved in every part.” Part of what makes him a strong salesman is how sociable and easy to talk to he is. Our staff in Malone certainly know that about Corey, and that he goes to every board meeting even before he was a director. He finds himself recounting board meetings, or policy updates, to employees who maybe weren’t able to make a meeting on a regular basis. Being able to be that easy to talk to, boots on the ground, person of contact for the board at our Malone Store is just a part of what Corey contributes to the Ward Lumber Worker Cooperative.

Previous Board Members: 

  • Linda White
  • David Bruso
  • Derrick Manson - First Board President

If you would like to reach out to a board member please send an email to board@wardlumber.com.

Stop by one of our stores or give us a call to find out how we can help you!

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Malone, NY

3240 State Route 11
Malone, NY 12953

Phone: (518) 483-8888
Fax: (518) 483-2329

Sunday: 8am - 1pm
Mon-Fri: 7am - 5pm
Saturday: 7am - 3pm

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697 Glen Road
Jay, NY 12941

Phone: (518) 946-2216

Sunday: 8am - 3pm
Mon-Fri: 7am - 5pm
Saturday: 8am - 3pm


697 Glen Road
Jay, NY 12941

Phone: (518) 946-2110
Fax: (518) 946-2188

Mon-Fri: 8am - 5pm
Weekends: Closed
Our people
make the difference!
4th generation family-owned company & now a Worker-Owned Cooperative serving the North Country since 1890.